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2021: September 24 @ Bridging Communities

Thanks to all the people at Bridging Communities for a great day.  Their September 24th event was our fourth and final Friday Live for 2021:  The day included:

  • Exercise and entertainment – including hula hoop and hustle dancing, plus Tai Chi
  • Vocalist Paula Michelle – Soulful Rhythm & Blues
  • Snacks and drinks – water, pop, fruit, granola, cookies, etc.
  • A guided tour of two nearby murals
  • Flu shots
  • Health checks by nursing students and other professionals –  blood pressure and glucose checks, fall risk assessments, and more

To watch a quick video, click HERE

Located at 6900 McGraw Ave, Bridging Communities is a mainstay of southwest Detroit and the Chadsey-Condon neighborhood.   

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